Raag-Mala Toronto
The Best of Indian Classical Music in North America

Raag-Mala Toronto

Celebrating our 45th year of uninterrupted programming in 2025:
Raag-Mala Toronto is among the longest-serving organizations
in North America focused on Raag Sangeet.

Our programming is made possible thanks to the hard work of Volunteers, funding from the Ontario Arts Council, and generous support from our Donors, Benefactors & Patrons.

Become a Member

2025 Concert Season


Ongoing Online Programming

FREE online content!

New Series: Raag-Mala in the Greenroom

Join Manoshi Chatterjee for our new series Raag-Mala in the Greenroom, and she interviews vocalist Kaushiki Chakraborty.

Youtube Video

Music Salon: Parallel Traditions

Raag-Mala Toronto partnered with the University of Toronto’s Massey College for one of their Music Salon Events, Parallel Traditions: Exploring Classical Music from Northern India. This interactive session, which took place at Massey College on Wednesday, November 2nd 2022, features artists Ravi Naimpally, Andrew Kay and Sourojeet Chakraborty in conversation with Sam Little.

Youtube Video

Sowing The Seeds

Sowing the Seeds of Raag Sangeet in Canada is a collaboration with the Consulate General of India in Toronto leading up to the 75th anniversary of India’s Independence.
The episodes will be released on the Raag-Mala Toronto’s YouTube Channel.
Check out the 2nd episode below:

Youtube Video

Featured Performances from Past Festivals

Sarbari Roy Chowdhury Festival of Music

We co-presented and produced the Sarbari Roy Chowdhury Festival of Music 2021,
which featured four days of recitals by highly praised artists from Toronto and India.
The recitals can be viewed below:

Youtube Video

Swara Samrat Festival 2020-2021

Raag-Mala Toronto was the “Powered By” sponsor of the Swara Samrat Festival 2020/21,
featuring 18 concerts featuring 36 artists from Nov 2020 to Feb 2021.

Benefactors and Patrons have lifetime access to the Series
Details on the Festival and list of artists here.

Desi News Articles

A Maestro’s Sitar and Song

By MOHAMED KHAKI Raag Bhairavi is traditionally the last raag that is performed at a concert of Indian classical music....

Once Upon A Raag

By MANOSHI CHATTERJEE Growing up in a place of natural beauty, the mornings in my home were accompanied by the...

Two Torchbearers of Raag Sangeet

By MOHAMED KHAKI Raag-Mala Toronto’s 2024 season opener, in partnership with Aga Khan Museum, is labelled “Paramparik” by the concert tour...

Raags and Riches and Much To Look Forward To

By MOHAMED KHAKI “I heard this amazing vocalist when I was in Kolkata last year. I forget the name, but I...

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Ashwini BhideRajan SajanShahid ParvezTejendraVishwa Mohan Bhatt



Raag-Mala Music Society of Toronto
902-29 Rosebank Drive
Toronto, Ontario
M1B 5Y7

Email: info[at]raagmala.ca